“Should we learn Blackjack or Poker now?”, Madhav, my younger one, asks me.
We learnt card games like Donkey, spoon, Rummy and Go Fish watching YouTube videos and now we play them in rotation. Madhav taught himself a few card tricks and now he offers free sessions as gifts on our birthdays. He resorts to playing Solitaire when I have to cook and big sis is doing her own thing (play with mama’s makeup!).
So counting cards it is then. We might sneak him into a casino in Vegas and make some big bucks. What do you think?

We are slowly running out of options to play, but thanks to the internet, something or the other keeps popping up just when we are about to throw in the towel and switch ON the TV. I thought he would never come out of his Rubick’s cube phase. For a while all he did was teach himself how to solve a 3×3, a mirror cube, a 4×4, a megaminx and when he had perfected them all, he tried to solve them blindfolded. As I type this he comes and asks me to let you all know that Cards are his thing now.

Lockdown hasn’t been that hard on this homebody.
Just like any other boy his age, he loves to take things apart and fix them back. For the first time in my life I’m investing in good quality and slightly expensive toys that are more STEM-based (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics- all integrated) projects. He’s truly enjoying building them along with his sis who has (surprisingly) shown an interest in them too.
He still follows his sister around like a puppy. I believe she’s his strength as he’s too scared to sleep in the kids’ room without her. She’s more a mother to him than I am as her word and opinion is all that matters, in the end.

Madhav @ 8 is funny, still talks like a baby and cries like one too. He’s a talker but also a very good listener. He tells me about ‘parity’ and ‘algorithms’ and other terms cubers use which I can make neither head nor tail of. He was already a clean freak but the pandemic has turned him into an obsessive handwasher! He even talks about double-masking and practices yoga and pranayama for improved breathing. Here are a few of his favorites.
Favorite food – Dosa.
Favorite book – Wayside School
Currently Reading – Sheila the great
Favorite Song – Radioactive
Favorite show – Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
Favorite movie – Terminator 2 Judgment Day
Wants to become – a Biomedical Engineer (he knows it is a mix of Engineering and Anatomy, but not sure if he knows anything beyond.

HAPPY 8 Madhav!
Thanks and Stay Safe..
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